Saturday, December 1, 2007

重回歐洲 Return to Europe

盡量珍惜那短暫的相聚。。 見招坼招吧!

Looking forword to the opportunity to touch the soil of Europe again after missing her for 10 years!
Is Glasgow still like the Glasgow I knew before ?
Let me put aside my challenging work ahead now and prepare for my short stay there !

Thursday, October 18, 2007


與強颱面對面 !

Wednesday, September 26, 2007





Safely arrived in Taipei. Everything was fine except having some problem at the imigration counter.
This is the first time my passport being check in such details. Fake passport suspicious ! Mayb my face is too fake ??

The rain in Taipei has brought me new feels abt this familiar city.
Everything are so familiar and can't wait to bring back my good memories in Taipei.

This time I went to some new places, tried new foods and knowing new frens...
The never ending discovery will continue to imprint the good memories into my harddisk :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Touch down safely

心想該給點信心這 747-400 的機師吧!


這種種幾乎和 discovery channel 那 Seconds before crash 的節目情節像似,

等一等,那不就是淡水漁人碼頭的情人橋嗎 !

接下來的一切挑戰就要靠自己了。加油 !加油 !

0230 19.09.07 Taipei

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Challenge !

出差的前夕得到一個糟糕的消息: 颱風來擊!
200km/h 的超級颱風將會在臺北迎接著我們的飛機.
接著航班在 KLIA delay一個小時.



Got a bad news a day before departure to Taipei, Typhon attack !
The 200 km/h typhoon expected to hit Taipei exactly at the time of my arrival !!

The flight has been delayed for one hour and I was
struggling whether to change my flight to next day at KLIA since arrival.

But I have decided to take this challenge and face to face with the super typhoon now.
Hope the plane will land in Taipei safely and timely later.

God blees me !

1600 KLIA 18/09/2007

Monday, September 17, 2007

KLPF - 吉隆玻攝影節






Sunday, September 16, 2007

Ayam Bag


忙著西藏的slide show,
忙著一宗大 project 的一切一切.

再過兩天就要出差了, 那幾千張的西藏照片還在默默的等待著我的妙手回春,

出差回來後可能還會有一堆新的照片需要處理 !
沒完沒了的,可能下來的幾個周末都要在家對著Photoshop過了 :S

Hi, AyamBag !

After facing countless of problems with my computer and harddisk, I finally return to this blog again !

Since returning from the heaven, I have been engaged with various of activities.
For the Tibet slide show,
for restoring all the system in my new hard disk again and again,
for involving in all the activities in a big project....

I will be leaving for a business trip in 2 days time.
The few thousands pictures from my Tibet trip has no date to be reveil again !
More over, there should be some more new pictures after my business trip....
A never ending story :S

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Back from Heaven

Jus back from my Tibet trip yestrerday. Got low land sickness now, still blur blur :)

Got to reinstall all my programs on my notebook... will take a lot of time for this fussy work :(
But all my related data have gone with the wind.....

Everything start from square one now :(

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Harddisk crashed !!

Disaster strikes me again !!
I have just crashed my notebook hard disk in my client office in Manila.
Very hard for me to survive without my notebook when I am on assignment but I cant do anything abt it !!

For sure I have lost all of my valueble data which I have not backup since long and also some life memories that stores in the harddrive :'(

The only good thing is I can use my blog again when I have finished reinstall everything in the new harddisk !
Other than this, I have a big task ahead to restore everything in to order and it might took me sometimes !

God bless me !

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Out of blog

Due to some problem with my PC, I am not able to login to this Blog since a month ago till I solve the login issue.

I am posting my blog to till I can login to this blog again.
C u there !

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Internet broadband


雖然月費還是貴了點, 只能說是付錢買個方便, 希望足不出戶也能把我的视野更進一步的廣大. 還可以和朋友保持更多的連係.何為不樂呢!

這只有天曉得 !

Happy Father's Day

祝天下所有的父親 父親節快樂!

謝謝你爸爸 !
希望你健健康康 永遠快快樂樂 !



愛買書不一定就會博學多才. 愛看書也不一定會明白很多道理.

只怪小弟的記憶力特別的差, 左腦進右腦出.

只是期望有一天會捨得把看過的書送出去, 不然再多兩閒書房也不夠放了 !

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Penang again

說過要重游 Penang 想不到這麽快又回來了.
這次還帶了家人一起出遊. 讓他們嘗嘗當地的美食,
看看當地的情况. 呼吸一下北馬的空氣.

找了间舊舊的旅馆下榻。旅馆的陳設,傢具和工人都是舊舊的. 有點兒陰森.
還好价錢還算便宜, 房間又大. 多住幾個人也可以.

三天兩夜的遊蕩在George Town的街上為美食而寻寻覓覓。


還有多謝攝影前輩宋仁德先生的関照, 才有機會嘗試一下拍龍舟賽當中的苦與樂.




Friday, May 25, 2007

French Movies Festival


經過朋友恩妮的介绍, 選了幾部好看的支持一下非好莱坞主流的電影

By the Pricking of My Thumbs
(Mon petit doigt m’a dit)

There’s an elderly woman who disappears. A village that, behind all its gossip, hides a dark secret, a house split in half, tombs that are better left untouched, a doll that reappears from the past, a terrifying lawyer who wears a death mask. It will take some doing for Prudence and Bélisaire Beresford, who have Hercule Poirot’s patience and Agatha Christie’s humour, to uncover the astounding truth. “By the Pricking of My Thumbs” is the last in a series of four adventures of the duo invented by Agatha Christie.

A very humorous movie. The actress uses the name Mrs Livingstone to begin her investigation on the dark secret and risk her life many times to unveil the truth with her detective thinking.

You are so beautiful
(Je vous trouve très beau)

Aymé’s wife recently died in an accident at the farm. Soon after he realizes that he must find another wife to help handling the farm work. As it is not such an easy task in his village, he decides to seek help from a marriage bureau. Understanding that his search is spurred by practical rather than emotional reasons, the bureau’s director sends him to Romania, where numerous women seem to be willing to get married with foreigners to leave their economic condition. Aymé’s encounter with Elena will change his life....

A very simple and true to life touching comedy. Ayme fly all the way to Romania and interview all the potential wife canditates himself. At the end of the interview they all says 'You are so handsome!' to this bald and middle age man. That's where the name of this movie comes from :)

(Hors de prix)

Irène, a conniving adventuress, is under the impression that Jean, a timid waiter at a chic hotel, is a millionaire. When she discovers what he really is, she immediately ditches him. But Jean, in love, sets out in pursuit of her and finds her on the Côte d'Azur. He quickly goes broke, ends up adopting the lifestyle of the woman he loves and becomes an escort in a magnificent palace. This new situation brings him closer to Irène, who finally deigns to acknowledge his existence. She then starts giving him advice and, without realizing it, becomes more and more attached to him.

A very Hollywood style French movie. Lots of branded clothing and luxury lifestyle surrounding both Irene and Jean.

My best friend
(Mon Meilleur Ami)

An art dealer takes a bet: he's got ten days to find a best friend. He throws himself into a frenetic series of auditions, to finally set his heart on a voluble and friendly cab driver: he’ll charm him so as to win his bet. But can you cheat at friendship?

Pity the dealer who has no friends and do not know the meaning of socializing, trying to find the formula of making frens but in a desperate way. The ending part is really drifting the audiance into the show.

My French movies marathon ended with this great movie. Hope to see more international movies showing locally.
They always promise some surprises to me !













Colors of Malaysia

The CitraWarna celebration has reached its 9th year mark this year.

The government has spent millions of dollars on this event to attract tourist and create awareness of our country in the international podium.

This year the event held its first time at our new governmental city, PutraJaya.
And for the first time organize by a foreign event company.

The spacious PutraJaya has facilitated more audience and biggest ever stage for the performers.
Unfortunately this also creates a distance between the players and the audience.
What we have missed this year not only the variety of culture and representation from different states in Malaysia, as I can see the originality of the culture as well.

Also the costume has no surprises but rather boring!

Anyway as long as the audiences are happy, the organizer is happy, we have no reason not to happy too. We all just hope that it will be better next year.




每當清晨掙開眼睛見到一片藍天時都會特別的興奮 :)


乾淨得差點可以看透宇宙 !



不知道身在遠方的你,是否也在看著同樣的一片天空呢 ?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Discovery Penang


曾经几次匆匆的一游, 除了饱受了塞车之苦和不敢恭违的驾驶态度之外,

多年以后再次的到访, 高楼叠起,感觉上有点像新加坡.


槟城! 约定你!
It has been long since my last visit to Penang.
My memory of Penang stop at delicious food and the very frustrated traffic jam.
Today, the rapid developing Penang looks like a mini Singapore to me with all the households start paying higher to live higher n higher from the ground.
Thanks for the PCP Nikon workshop, this short trip has effectively triggered my fall to Penang !
I will definitely set my next schedule for Penang to discover more of its beauty !


每天回家之后最开心的除了是见到家人之外, 最想见到的就是有一堆的信等着我去开.

平时除了会收到一些叫我付钱的信之外, 最高兴的莫过于收到定期订阅的杂志和朋友从远方寄来的信.
每期的新杂志总会让我翻阅到三更半夜. 朋友的信常会让我感到窝心的一刻. 很有冲动的立即想回信!

科技的发达把距离都拉近了, 但也把以前亲笔写信的习惯给消灭了. 取而代之的是sms, email, e-card 之类的, 连笔也省了. 所以非常珍惜朋友的亲笔信.

今天非常开心的收到一个期待已久的包裹. 里面包扎着五百张网上冲洗的照片.
很久没冲印那么多的照片了. 所以非常的期待.

虽然晚上停电, 我还是拿着蜡烛慢慢的在床上分照片.

回味与分享着照片里的每一刻, 迟迟不欲入睡.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


亲爱的妈妈, 母亲节快乐!

最近有个广告说: 母亲是第一个给你喂奶的人 !
说实在第一个喂奶给你的人可能是那位印度护士姐姐呢 !
哈哈 !

无论如何母亲是把我们打大的人.. opps ! 是养大我们的人.
趁着还有机会报答母亲的时候就应该孝顺母亲,给她最好的 !


Manila Diary 4 and the last

After a week of dry hot weather, finally the rain has come !

Rains on the last night of my stay in Manila makes me feel like missing a part.

In general, Manila has given me some surprises to remember... maybe I din expect anything from Manila and only worrying my safety before my arrival to this city.

When most of the worries have gone and started to experience the city, there is when all the surprises come.

I am so shame that we are having a big vision to become an advance country by the year 2020 but as what I can see now, we are even lacking behind Manila !

Maybe in Manila they do not have the greatest airport, the tallest towers, the cheapest fuel in this region and blar blar blarrrrr… but they have an efficient and relatively cheap public transport system, delicious and varieties of food, some advance and very rich business districts, one of the top 10 richest person in the world and most of all, the virgin beaches in the thousand islands country yet to be explored !

Tourism is one of the main income of the country and most of the cases they do not have to promote a lot. People just come and enjoy their life here !

So Manila, I will be back !

Monday, May 7, 2007

Manila Diary 3

Finally Sunday is here !

I have planned a trip with a driver to the World’s Lowest Volcano at Taal Lake, about 2 hours journey by car from Manila. Departed in the morning and started to see the different face of Philippines after leaving Manila. The street scene back to poor but busy with activities.

We reached Tagaytay city and from here went to some view points of the lake. Unfortunately the weather was too hazy, the volcano can hardly be seen. Due to the hilly area the weather is not so harsh as in Manila and of course more green here.

Hang around there for the whole morning and headed back to Manila in the afternoon. We drove through the massy and crowded China Town. Shops closed on Sunday and I was Surprised to found some familiar scene from Hong Kong where they hang the Chinese written sign boards exactly like in HK.

After that we dropped by Intramuros, the Spanish fort with some preserved old churches to have some photos.

I was lucky to meet few wedding couples having their life time event in 2 of the famous churches, San Agustin Church and Plaza de Roma, the Manila Cathedral.

For sure I did not let go this opportunity to shot their wedding ceremony. Having their wedding witness by these heritage churches is the dream of all couples !

After Intramuros, the driver dropped his family at the Makati area, another big city in the metropolitan of Manila. This area is where all the high rise buildings are and is the richest business district in metro Manila. Makati city reminds me of Singapore’s Raffles Place. It’s clean and organized. There are many other areas in this district to be developed to some upper class business and residential area.

The economy is booming in these areas but there are still a lot of poor people living alongside the polluted river at the suburb. That’s a very huge contrast.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Manila Diary 2

Makati Business Districts view from my office

The fifth day, seafood dinner again but this time is fresh seafood. The crab and the prawn are all first class fresh, surpass our seafood market dinner two days ago !

The restaurant is near the US embassy seaside, called SeaWalf.

As promise, we headed to Makati city after the dinner. It is the business district of Manila where dominated by high rise buildings. The journey to Makati is a painful one. The short 10KM took us more than 40min due to the peak hour traffic.

The traffic jam at Makati city

However it is worth the effort because we got the chance to see the other busy part of Manila.
Makati city looks more like a metropolitan than other place of Manila. Many 5 Stars hotels and high class residential apartments occupying the area. We stopped at the Greenbelt malls and spent our time at one of the open air dining café.

We were lucky to witness the famous ‘Side A’ band performs at an open stage. I can tell you the main singer showing here has one of the best solid voice that I ever heard from a live band !
I love the live bands here !!!

Manila Diary 1

It is summer now in Manila. The temperature can rise up to as high as 38c at noon !

Despite the busy working schedule, our host brought us to some of the famous restaurants to enjoy the varieties of meals.
There are more fast food stores than any other places that I have ever visited !
Restaurants and fast food shops can be found easily everywhere we step.

On the third day, we had our dinner just besides a market filled with fresh and live seafood. We bought a fish, a kilo of prawn and some very fresh squid and passed it to the restaurant to cook them in style ! They charge the cooking by the size and type of the seafood. The price is reasonable but the taste is terrific !
I have long lost the memory of very fresh seafood but I’ve found it back here in this unique and non-fishy seafood market restaurant !

The after dinner walk completed our day in a delightful way ! We headed to Roxas Boulevard
and walked along the Manila Bay accompanied with hundreds of people. Open air cafés and live bands dominating the street and people just love to stay late for that.
We had a couple of beers at the front view of a famous band ‘Anthology’, showered by the wonderful rhythm and jokes, never realize that the clock was ticking so fast !

It is not hard to imagine how attractive are all these live bands enliven the night to a rare visiter like me in Manila.

More to come….

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Manila mari

Manila Bay

菲律宾 !

临行前朋友和同事一再叮嘱不要独自一个人在街上溜达, 因为华人常常会成为绑架的目标!!
带着不安的心情着陆马尼拉.第一印象有点像十年前的怡保市. 旧旧的感觉.

但不久后发觉这里人们的生活气息 比起我国任何的一个城市更显得生机勃勃!
感觉上这里的城市人在忙碌中更懂得享受生活, 也比我想象中的热情.

Manila here I come !
Warnings and precaution advices from frens and family bother me a bit before my departure.

However all the worries have gone half when I realised that the people and atmosphere here is very much lively and friendly then expected !

In general the Pilipino enjoying their life much better than other metropolitan citizen do !
Singing, eating out and spending times with frens along the Manila Bay at night is their way of appreciation of life.

I wish I can squeeze some times from my tight schedule to experience that.

Friday, April 13, 2007






好! 下班后先从整理头发开始,
至少明天可以更整齐的见人 :)